Acts… And They Continued.


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Acts… And They Continued.

Bro. Carroll’s newest book, “Acts…and they continued” is an in-depth commentary on how the work of Jesus continued by the coming of the Holy Spirit. The apostles and the early church suffered great persecution but forever changed the course of human history. This is not just another commentary! Carroll brings out the Jewish background, the Roman history, the geography of Paul’s journeys, and languages, to help you better understand the context of how Christianity spread in the early first century. Much of the false doctrine that is found in many churches today comes from the transitional book of Acts. This is a must read for ministers, Bible students, Sunday school classes, and home Bible study groups. Bro. Carroll’s commentary on the book of Acts, together with his other commentaries on the four gospels: “Matthew the Hebrew Gospel, Mark the Messiah’s Gospel, Luke the Lord’s Gospel, and John the Jewish Gospel,” hold countless hidden treasures as a result of thousands of hours of study and years of research. With these commentaries you will be able to discover more about the Life & Ministry of Christ and the Early Church.


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